Become a Speaker

WordCamp Asheville’s deadline for speaker submissions was May 25th. Thanks to all those who submitted applications to speak and for your willingness to help the WordPress community by sharing your knowledge and love of WordPress.

WordCamp speakers

It’s 2018 – Elevate, Empower, Engage!

Our theme this year is all about reaching the next level as we seek to Elevate, Empower, and Engage the WordPress community. We might even have some friendly retro video game fun in the spirit of enjoying a throw back as we move forward. It’s not required to have the theme as part of your presentation, but we’d love to challenge you to include it.


We look to have a diverse lineup of speakers and sessions that focuses on all aspects of the WordPress Community. We’ll be spreading speaker talks across beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics and are most interested in talks that are new and unique with real-world examples.

Our speakers will be announced soon.


  • Full-Length Talks will be allotted 45 minutes, plus time for Q&A. You can adjust the talk time if you incorporate Q&A during the presentation.
  • Lightning Talks* will be allotted 15 minutes total.
  • Speakers will be offered free admission to WordCamp Asheville 2018 and attend a speaker dinner alongside the organizers and sponsors.
  • Since we’re volunteer-run, we cannot reimburse travel, lodging, or other expenses.
  • All sessions will be videotaped. You will need to sign and return the A/V form prior to speaking.
  • We encourage multiple submissions from the same speaker. If you have more than one idea, go ahead and submit multiple topics, and we’ll get back to you about which one we think fits best with the final schedule. You’ll need to submit a form for each presentation idea. (If you submit multiple topics but have a preferred choice, just make a note for us when you submit the form.)
  • You will be contacted with a yes/no as soon as the organizing team has made a decision about the presentations.

Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks are 15-minute talks on one topic. The idea is to cover a topic quickly to give folks an overview. This is a great way for attendees to “wet their feet” and hear a bit about a topic without committing to the full length talk — in other words, a great way to spark new ideas!