Bronze Sponsor Highlight: Status Forward is Helping Brands that Do Good

What is your name and what do you do for your company?

I’m Laurel Scherer and I’m the managing director at Status Forward.

What is the mission of your company?

We help mission-focused companies and nonprofits do well while doing good.

What makes your products or services unique?

We invest in our clients’ brands by taking the time to learn the ins and outs of what makes them tick. By working selectively with organizations willing to engage in open conversation, we dedicate time and effort to strategy and relatable content. Doing so allows us to create successful brand narratives that are driven by effective WordPress websites.

Why do you love WordPress?

WordPress has revolutionized the way we transmit ideas and messaging to the world because of its innate flexibility and user-friendly interface. Best of all, it provides our clients opportunities for future growth so that their websites and their stories can continually expand and evolve.